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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Extension activities

Extension activities

            Extension  activities  are  conducted  through  NS.S.  and  Cultural  Club.  

            The  following  extension  activities  are  carried  out and it is continued  in  the current  academic year  also. 

1.      Adult  Education  and  Literacy  programme.
2.      Rain  water  Harvesting
3.      Mass  Tree plantation.
4.      Personality  and  skill development  programmes  such  as,  script  writing,  Embroidery ,  Doll making,  Art  of  Ikebana  and  Bonsai,  Gardening,  Communicative  English.
5.      Construction of  community  Hall,  Anganavadi Buildings,  Public  Toilets,  Creation  of  Play ground,  Village  Library  Building  and  Renovation  of  Temples  with  the  assistance  from  Government,  public  and  other  N.G.O’s.
6.      Conducting  Health  camps,  Blood  Donation Camps,  AIDS Awareness programmes.
Environment  awareness  programmes : Local Youth  Clubs,  Rotary and other   N.G.O’s  Joining us in  Extension  activities.